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Required Courses

All students choose one course from each of the following eight required areas: Fundamental Theology, Christology, Ecclesiology, Church History, Hebrew Bible, New Testament, Theological Ethics, and Sacraments & Liturgy (the first four areas only have one course option). If both courses are taken from one or more of the eight* categories, the second course in a given category will be counted as an elective.  

*Only students beginning in or after Fall 2024 will be required to take both Church History and Ecclesiology. Students who started the program prior to Fall 2024 may take either course for the Core but are welcome and encouraged to take both courses if they wish.

Course descriptions follow the table.

Requirement Course Number
[number before Fall 2020]
Course Title
Theological Foundations PMIN 201  [PMIN 201, PMIN 288] Theological Foundations for Ministry

This course teaches the skill of theological reflection, introducing students to what Catholic theology is, how we do it, and why it matters for ministry.

Christology PMIN 203  [PMIN 203] Christology

This course explores how Christians understand Christ, the Son of God among us.

Ecclesiology   PMIN 205  [PMIN 204] Ecclesiology

This course explores the meaning of the Church as the Body of Christ and reflects on what it means to be a minister in the Church today.

*Church History   PMIN 206  [PMIN 225] Church History

This course explores the origins of our Christian faith: why do we believe what we believe? How does the history of faith and spirituality matter for ministry today?

Studying the Hebrew Bible PMIN 207  [PMIN 205] Studying the Hebrew Bible

This course studies the texts of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) historically and in relation to how we minister and serve the Church and world.

The Hebrew Bible and Social Justice PMIN 208  [PMIN 283] The Hebrew Bible & Social Justice

This course studies the texts of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) with a focus on social justice.

The Synoptic Gospels PMIN 209  [PMIN 206] The Synoptic Gospels

This course studies how the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke tell the story of Jesus Christ and connect these texts to how we minister and serve the Church and world.

The New Testament PMIN 210  [PMIN 214] The New Testament

This course introduces the texts of the New Testament—the earliest proclamation of Jesus Christ as Son of God and Savior.

Issues in Moral Theology PMIN 211  [PMIN 287] Issues in Moral Theology

This course explores ethical and theological perspectives on moral issues and applies them to contemporary Christian life.

Catholic Social Teaching PMIN 212  [PMIN 251] Catholic Social Teaching

This course studies the fundamental principles of Catholic Social Teaching and considers how Christians are called to live in light of these principles.

Sacraments & Liturgy PLIT 213  [PLIT 202] Sacraments and Liturgy

This course explores how Christians celebrate the mysteries of faith in symbol and ritual and considers what it means to have a sacramental vision of the world.

Sacramental Theology PMIN 214  [PMIN 297] Sacramental Theology

This course applies the history of sacramental theology and practice to contemporary ministry and Christian life.


Foundational Course Descriptions
PMIN 201 - Theological Foundations for Ministry

This course critically examines fundamental concepts of Christian theology in dialogue with cultural practices for the sake of more faithful practice. This inquiry in turn allows us to interrogate how the Christian tradition understands itself. In other words, it brings theology to bear on cultural practices of significance to Christian life in the present, and in that encounter sees theology itself as a culturally and historically contingent and contested practice. A foundational Fundamental Theology course; formerly PMIN 210 and PMIN 288; 4 units.

PMIN 203 - Christology

An introduction to contemporary Catholic Christology. This course will examine Jesus Christ as an historical figure and object of faith and, as such, the Christian answer to the human situation. Course work will center on Jesus' proclamation of the Kingdom of God and will treat of his history through the Resurrection. A foundational Christology course; 4 units.

PMIN 205 - Ecclesiology

This course examines the Christian Church, the "meeting place of all mysteries," from scriptural, historical, doctrinal, and practical perspectives. A foundational Ecclesiology course; formerly PMIN 204; 4 units.

PMIN 206 - Church History

A survey of the major theological developments in Christian history against the backdrop of the social and political currents of the periods in question. A foundational Ecclesiology course; formerly PMIN 225; 4 units.

PMIN 207 - Studying the Hebrew Bible

A study of Hebrew historical, prophetic, wisdom and apocalyptic literature as the medium of God's teaching word in Israel and in the Church. A foundational Hebrew Bible course; formerly PMIN 205; 4 units.

PMIN 208 - The Hebrew Bible & Social Justice

This course offers an examination of the Hebrew Bible in light of comparative literature from the ancient Near East. The course considers how the biblical writers framed their theology as a response to the ideologies, mythologies, and ritual practices of their age. It will also consider how the encultured character of the Bible can stand in dialogue with contemporary issues of diversity, multiculturalism, and justice. A foundational Hebrew Bible course; formerly PMIN 283; 4 units.

PMIN 209 - The Gospels

A study of the four canonical gospels with special attention given to methods of biblical exegesis and the pastoral contexts of the original authors. This will include study of literary genres, source analysis, problems of oral and written transmission, as well as the unique theological contributions of the evangelists as authors. A foundational New Testament course; formerly PMIN 206; 4 units.

PMIN 210 - The New Testament

An introduction to the socio-historical contexts, literary characteristics, and theological messages of the New Testament texts, with special attention to the methodology of biblical exegesis. Exploration of the pastoral issues facing the original authors will serve as a resource for theological reflection on how the minister might translate the good news in Christian communities today, in service of justice and peace. A foundational New Testament course; formerly PMIN 214; 4 units.

PMIN 211 - Issues in Moral Theology

This course offers an introduction to problems, theories, and pastoral insights of Christian ethics. Its purpose is to explore the meaning of an authentic Christian existence and its ethical and spiritual dimensions. Particular attention is paid to ethical problems for those in pastoral ministries. A foundational Theological Ethics course; formerly PMIN 287; 4 units.

PMIN 212 - Catholic Social Teaching

This course examines the vibrant and living tradition of Catholic social thought. It explores key features of Christian social responsibility through analysis of the official encyclicals and pastorals that comprise Catholic social teaching. In addition to surveying the encylical tradition as it has developed over the past 125 years, its theological foundations, and its function, it explores pastoral implications of its key themes and core commitments. A foundational Theological Ethics course; formerly PMIN 251; 4 units.

PMIN 213 - Sacraments & Liturgy

This course will look first at how all people use symbol and ritual to define and create their world and themselves. It will then investigate and experience specific Christian rituals and symbols to learn how they create and recreate a specifically Christian world. A foundational Sacraments & Liturgy course; formerly PLIT 202 and PMIN 297; 4 units.

PMIN 214 - Sacramental Theology

An exploration of the history and development of sacramental theology with emphasis on contemporary pastoral issues. A foundational Sacraments & Liturgy course; formerly PMIN 293; 4 units.