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Department ofComputer Science and Engineering


From intricate network security to beautiful web design.

We offer a B.S. and minor in Computer Science and Engineering, a B.S. in Web Design and Engineering, and a five-year dual B.S./M.S. degree.

The Computer Science and Engineering program features a balanced core, emphasizing the engineering aspects of software and hardware as well as the mathematical foundations of computation. Majors can also choose to concentrate in Information Assurance, Web Technologies, or Robotics.

The Web Design and Engineering program combines a technical education in computing with courses in graphic art, communication, and sociology. Our graduates learn the engineering infrastructure of the Web, how the Web affects society, and the complex relationship between technology and the Internet.


Internships, research, and more

You'll find numerous opportunities to get involved beyond the classroom. Situated in the heart of Silicon Valley, we offer students unsurpassed opportunities to put learning to practice in corporate internships and cooperative education.

Our students are also actively involved with faculty research throughout their time here, culminating in a senior design project that replicates the process demanded of engineers in practice.

Interested in studying abroad? We'll help you with recommended course plans for your first and sophomore years.

A Computer Science and Engineering degree from Santa Clara will put you on track for success after graduation, whether you choose graduate studies or to work in industry.

Contact Us

Chair: Prof. Silvia Figueira

Department Manager (contact for Graduate Matters): 
Pam Lin 408-554-6805

Department Manager (contact for Undergraduate Matters): 
Valerie Woitte 408-554-5281

Computer Science and Engineering
Santa Clara University
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95053

SCDI Bergin, Bldg. 203


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